This quest will become available after finishing the level 50 Main Scenario Quest “On the … The Good King Moggle …Thornmarch (Extreme) is unlocked by completing the quest “The King Lives” from Urianger in the Waking Sands (X:6.0, Y:4.9). Reminded of how deadly the Twelveswood has become, the royal guards have instead channeled their fear and desperation into calling forth an even more potent potentate. Kuplo Kopp's attempt to chastise the Mogglesguard for their dangerous and foolhardy actions has not had the intended effect. Kingly Whisker is a rare Mog EX drop which also can be acquired from quick ventures. White Raven Armor Fragment is a rare T9 drop which also can be acquired from quick ventures. (If that helps paint a picture of how many moogle have died under my loving care.) But I just don't have any luck with this stupid whisker drop. It's my go-to time kill, and I've now gotten all the weapons on greed rolls.

1,000 Patch 2.3 “ A crystallized mass of residual spiritbond energies transferred to an article of weaponry or armor by the Good King Moggle Mog XII during its creation.

ago You can still get token items and card drops from bosses when undersizing, like shiva's diamond dust etc, but crafting drops are nonexistent when undersizing.

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