To build the source distributions, unpack them with zip or tar and follow the instructions in README.rst at the top of the source tree. This prefix can be removed as long as the share, bin, man and doc directories are moved relative to each other. This toolchain targets processors from the Arm Cortex-A family and implements the Arm A-profile architecture. For example, the linux-x86_64 tar file is all under the directory cmake–linux-x86_64. The GNU Toolchain for the Cortex-A Family is a ready-to-use, open source suite of tools for C, C++ and Assembly programming. They are prefixed by the version of CMake. The tar file distributions can be untared in any directory.
Ubuntu tar xz install#
The files are compressed tar files of the install tree. The files are gziped tar files of the install tree. sh file, run it with /bin/sh and follow the directions. sh files are self extracting gziped tar files. The release was packaged with CPack which is included as part of the release. For example, the linux-x86_64 tar file is all under the directory cmake–linux-x86_64.

See also the CMake 3.27 Release Notes.Ĭmake-3.27.Ĭmake-3.27.Īlso see instructions on Download Verification.